Positive Power

Last year a new tenant moved into the downstairs unit and positioned her bed directly below our stairwell leading into the apartment and below our living room. Every movement in and out of the building- walk across our living room or quiet conversation on our couch- she hears. In rebuttal, we often hear a loud thumping of a broom stick banging from her bedroom on our floor. Despite our best attempts to enter quietly and talk moderately after ten the rebuttal reminds us that its not quiet enough. Occasionally we have gotten an angry letter, or visit the next day, complaining of the insomniacs in our apartment, who have the audacity to move about to use the bathroom or sigh at night. Twice we have gotten a threat of eviction notice from our Realty company- once for having a conversation late at night and once for packing until late and walking down the stairwell to exit the apartment.
A couple weeks ago, I had an intuitive work with me at the house for support on personal issues. She sat on the couch above the tenant below, and noticed the tenant’s energy bellow calling out to her. She invited us both to direct a healing to her and the apartment below. An energy form emerged from the two of us that was shaped like an egg beater, that moved into the space below and clearing the space and blanketing the tenant with warmth and acceptance.
A few days later, I was walking down the courtyard towards my apartment and passed the tenant a few feet from a handsome young man. She giggled at me and informed me he was teaching her to throw a football. A half hour later I reemerged from my apartment and now the couple had progressed in their throw and were several yards apart passing the ball back and forth. The two called out to me and asked me to join them in throwing the football. The tenant now was beaming. We exchanged laughter and encouragement.
Several weeks have passed now without a thump from below. Instead, when we pass now on the walkway, I am greeted with a friendly hello.
Katie Mickey
Posted: December 20th, 2017 under The Power of Yes, YES Articles.