
The Daily YES

"YES" is one of the most powerful words in the English language. Consider this, what if everything that happens to you already got a "YES"?

The Power of YES book

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Laughing Is Good For You And Contagious

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Smile Research


by Zack Mozes

William Fry, MD reports that, “When the average kid reaches kindergarten, he or she is laughing some 300 times a day” Whereas, the average adult laughs a measly seventeen times per day. To a child everything is new and interestingly wonderful, smile discusses the power and influence smiles have on your body and life. They state that if you were to raise the right corner of your mouth towards your cheek, (making a smiling gesture) almost magically a good feeling would start to kick in. Now raise the left corner of your mouth and the manufactured smile becomes a genuine smile. So, one way to feel better is by manufacturing a smile.